Workshops > PESN

Performance evaluation of satellite networks (PESN):

Organizers: André-Luc Beylot (ENSEEIHT,, Riadh Dhaou (ENSEEIHT,, Giovanni Giambene (Univ. Siena;

The workshop on satellite network performance evaluation comes in a context ofevolutionof the latter to integrate a wide range of services and to support a heterogeneous traffic and services in the 5G and IoT era. Satellite networks raise new challenges in terms of modeling and performance evaluation. The evolution of satellite networks towards the 5th generation of networks and towards virtualization architectures and the renewal of satellite constellations are generating new problems of modeling complex systems, simulation, and experimentation. New test and measurement platforms and emulation tools will be exposed in this workshop. 

This workshop will include invited papers from both academia and industry. Papers will be published at ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (, 2 pages or longer).


Applications and Services

  • Use cases for 5G and satellite
  • Scenarios for rural services/urban
  • Delay sensitive and non-sensitive applications
  • Identifying new services e.g., Visualization, M2M, IoT
  • Emerging applications and services

System Architectures

  • New system architectures including GEO/MEO/LEO
  • Payloads with onboard processing
  • High Throughput Satellites (HTS) analysis
  • Integrated network architectures

Network Protocols and Performance

  • Integrated network protocols, i.e., terrestrial-satellite
  • QoS–throughput, delay, security, mobility measures
  • QoE models
  • PEP

Innovative PHY Techniques

  • Interference reduction schemes
  • New waveforms
  • Novel multiple access schemes
  • Frequency sharing and allocations


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